GET BEHIND ME SANTA! - Throwing Spears in the Devil's Territory

The Light of the World

2012.12.23 - Kevin Makins - GET BEHIND ME SANTA!

Throwing Spears in the Devil’s Territory

Matthew 4

Our apocalyptic Christmas ends with Jesus vs. Satan in the wilderness.

As soon as you mention “the devil” you have some clarifying to do. In our world people can often swing to extremes, either seeing satan in every doorknob or denying spirituality all together.

But the New Testament is consistently warning us that there is a spirit of the world at work, and if we are going to truly defeat evil we have to first do battle with the powers behind the scenes.

Along the way we talk about political powers, redemptive violence, Disney movies, the NRA, and throwing spears.

Music led by Aaron Craig - starts 37 minutes in.

GET BEHIND ME SANTA! - Get Behind Me, Satan

The Light of the World

2012.12.16 - Kevin Makins - GET BEHIND ME SANTA!

Get Behind Me, Satan

Daniel 7, Matthew 16

“Son of Man” was an apocalyptic phrase that lived in the imagination of the Jewish people. At the time of Jesus, people were looking for the Son of Man, the one who would overthrow their enemies and bring them victory and peace.

But things aren’t going to go exactly as they planned.

How do we respond when the story changes, when things get flipped on to their head?

Sometimes, we become the Satan.

Music led by Aaron Craig - starts 34 minutes in.

GET BEHIND ME SANTA! - The Christitunity of Apocalypse

The Light of the World

2012.12.09 - Chris Cuthill - GET BEHIND ME SANTA!

The Christitunity of Apocalypse

Daniel 7

Chris Cuthill, professor at Redeemer University (teaching such fine courses as art, art history and pop-culture) looks at times of great change throughout history, the evils and fears present in them, and at how Christians have responded using Apocalyptic language and imagery.

He also talks about Pope-pooping devils, Trans-Ams covered in Revelation, the spirituality of zombies, and Homer Simpson.

It’s a real good one.

Raw demo of Brett Klassen/DJ CLUTCH’s cover of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - starts 39 minutes in.

Music led by Aaron Craig - starts 44 minutes in.

GET BEHIND ME SANTA! - An Apocalyptic Advent

The Light of the World

2012.12.02 - Kevin Makins and Dave Witt - GET BEHIND ME SANTA!

An Apocalyptic Advent

Revelation 4, Revelation 17, Acts 19

You would not believe all the resistance we’ve faced getting ready for the Apocalyptic Advent this year. 

Part of that resistance is that for the first time in over two years, BOTH of the audio files that record the weekly sermon were corrupted. This, along with about a dozen other factors, gives us a sense that there may be some other powers at work in this whole thing. Powers that don’t like the idea of being exposed, which is what this whole sermon series is about.

But while the powers can corrupt our audio files, they can never silence our podcasting!

So Dave Witt and myself gathered in a local coffee shop to go over the basic ideas of what an Apocalyptic Advent looks like, and why we think it’s such a crucial tool for us to use this season.

Time to get apocalyptic!

Music led by Aaron Craig - starts 34 minutes in.

This Isn't Easy - Building on the Rock

Easy2012.11.25 - Dave Witt - This Isn’t Easy

Building on the Rock

Matthew 5, Matthew 7

Sometimes we can think that grace is like a safety net: it’s only needed when we fall. 

Sometimes we think we can follow Jesus, without needing Jesus. But that would be a huge mistake. 

This Isn't Easy - The Cost of Incarnational Peace-Making


2012.11.11 - Wendy Gritter - This Isn’t Easy

The Cost of Incarnational Peace-Making

John 1, Philippians 4, Matthew 5, Ephesians 2, John 17

Wendy Gritter returns to the Eucharist pulpit with a compelling and powerful teaching on being like Christ: incarnational and peace making. 

Wendy shares from her own experience working with the lgbtq community and calls for Jesus disciples to do the difficult work of trusting the Holy Spirit.

(Forgive the recording again, still working out some new problems!)

Music starts 65 minutes in.

This Isn't Easy - The Light


2012.11.04 - Kevin Makins - This Isn’t Easy

The Light

John 3, Matthew 7, Psalm 32

When you see the words “confession,” “repentance” and “accountability,” what sorts of things come to mind? 

If I had to guess, for most of us these words are associated  with guilt, shame and judgement. 

But what if they were actually meant to be gifts? What if they were chains to bind us, but keys to freedom? What if they were light instead of darkness?

(Forgive the poor audio quality, bit of a sketchy recording!)

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Giving


2012.10.21 - Kevin Makins- Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Luke 12, Luke 16

This was the one sermon that I desperately didn’t want to preach.

Because seriously… it’s weird to talk about money.

But Jesus was never afraid to talk about money. In fact Jesus knew that where our money is, our heart would be. And so we have to talk about money, because we need to talk about the heart.

So what is giving, and why is it an important part of our liturgy? 

Also, I lost my notes this week… and so that was interesting… I must have REALLY NOT wanted to preach on money.

Music starts 46 minutes in. 

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Prayer


2012.10.14 - Pastor Abraham - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Matthew 21, Ezekiel 22, Acts 12, Acts 16, Mark 11

Something amazing happens when you cross cultures and allow God to speak in a whole new voice.

Pastor Abraham is our brother from the Congo. He prays a lot and says “oooh brother… itisgoooood” - he also laughs and lot and brings a seriously convicting and encouraging word.

His word to us on prayer shook the whole congregation, and filled us with a desire to be people who stand in the gap.

Music starts 54 minutes in.

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Word


2012.09.30 - Kevin Makins - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters  


Luke 22  

The word of God is like a double edged sword… and sometimes if you swing a sword around without knowing how to use it, you might end up hurting someone.  

This week we laughed a decent amount, Peter chopped a guys ear off, and we named the narratives we live in.  

Music starts 54 minutes in.

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Community


2012.09.23 - Dave Witt - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Romans 12, Romans 15, Hebrews 10, Ephesians 2

Dave Witt preaches a brilliant sermon on community, mission, and how we can’t separate the two.

It’s also interesting and fun and insightful and stuff.

Music starts 37 minutes in.

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Song


2012.09.16 - Kevin Makins - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Revelation 4 and 5, Ephesians 5

When we get together, one of the things we do most is sing.

Let’s be honest… it’s sort of weird! Why do we sing to God? Why does God want us to worship Him? Is He some sort of egotistical maniac?! 

A sermon about why and how we sing, and the many who’s we sing too.

Music starts 37 minutes in.

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Liturgy

liturgy2012.09.09 - Kevin Makins - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Hebrews 10, Matthew 22, James 2, Matthew 7

Eucharist Church meets Sunday afternoons. Sunday afternoons are PRIME real estate for being lazy and relaxing. But week after week, dozens of people bike, bus, drive and walk to join together in worship… why?

What’s the point of gathering as a church every week? In an age of podcasts and audio lectures and books, aren’t their better ways to learn about God?

Why do we gather? And does it really matter?

Music starts 32 minutes in.

(Additional resources, see James K. A. Smith - Desiring the Kingdom, and also Gideon Strauss’ lectures Wonder, Heartbreak and Hope)

A Cluster of Grapes

grapes2012.08.26 - Kevin Makins

A Cluster of Grapes

Numbers 13

For our first week meeting in St Paul’s, we look back to Numbers 13 and the journey of the Israelites into the Promised Land, and realize that grace is a lot like a cluster of grapes or a bag of marshmallow bananas!

Music led by Joel Cumby (for the last time in a long while!) - starts 30 minutes in.

Soma: 1 Corinthians - Upcycling Creation


2012.06.17 - Kevin Makins - Soma: 1 Corinthians

Upcycling Creation

1 Corinthians 15:29-58

As Paul closes out the body of his letter he talks about the final hope of the world, and how we’re all like old tossed aside license plates.

Music led by Joel Cumby - starts 51 minutes in.

Soma: 1 Corinthians - Order & Chaos


2012.06.03 - Kevin Makins - Soma: 1 Corinthians

Order & Chaos

1 Corinthians 14:26-40, Genesis 1

“The women should keep silent in the churches” - thanks for that gem, Paul. How in the world can this text be good news?

But like all texts we struggle to understand, when we get to the heart of it, it is actually very good news; and it all has to do with order & chaos.

Music led by Joel Cumby - starts 55 minutes in.