The Strange Religious Ritual of New Years Resolutions

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If you were an alien, scrolling on Instagram; what would you think about this strange concept of “New Years Resolutions?” You’d probably see them as a deeply ritualistic act. Let’s compare and contrast these resolutions with the good news of Jesus.

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Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Song


2012.09.16 - Kevin Makins - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Revelation 4 and 5, Ephesians 5

When we get together, one of the things we do most is sing.

Let’s be honest… it’s sort of weird! Why do we sing to God? Why does God want us to worship Him? Is He some sort of egotistical maniac?! 

A sermon about why and how we sing, and the many who’s we sing too.

Music starts 37 minutes in.

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Liturgy

liturgy2012.09.09 - Kevin Makins - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Hebrews 10, Matthew 22, James 2, Matthew 7

Eucharist Church meets Sunday afternoons. Sunday afternoons are PRIME real estate for being lazy and relaxing. But week after week, dozens of people bike, bus, drive and walk to join together in worship… why?

What’s the point of gathering as a church every week? In an age of podcasts and audio lectures and books, aren’t their better ways to learn about God?

Why do we gather? And does it really matter?

Music starts 32 minutes in.

(Additional resources, see James K. A. Smith - Desiring the Kingdom, and also Gideon Strauss’ lectures Wonder, Heartbreak and Hope)