You Have Nothing to be Embarrassed About


You Have Nothing to be Embarrassed About

This Little Light of Mine
Matthew 28, Romans 1
Kevin Makins & Eucharist Church

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Why is it so awkward and uncomfortable to talk about our faith? Especially with those who are not Christians! 

In this very interactive sermon we share reflections on this awkwardness, and what it might look like for us to own our faith in a genuine way.

ALSO it includes the tightest 5 minute comedy set by Eucharist Comedian-in-Residence (ok, he just is a part of the church and hilarious) Zak McDonald. It's seriously very funny and very good.

Everyone is getting into it!

Everyone is getting into it!

Scandal: Why Start This Way?

Scandal: Why Start This Way?

Advent 2015: Sexuality & Incarnation

Matthew 1

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Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. A classic Christmas statement! 

But that's how we tell the story NOW. At the time the story was this:

A man and woman were engaged to be married, and she became pregnant... from someone who she was not engaged too...

And that wasn't viewed positively. 

Strong language warning, but in the eyes of their society: 

Mary was a slut, Joseph was a sucker, and Jesus was a bastard.

Knowing what we know, it can be hard to understand just how much of a SCANDAL the whole situation was. 

Which, for me, raises the question: 

God, was there no better way to begin the incarnation? Why begin in scandal? 

Turns out there are some VERY good reasons!

Exclusive: Opening Cans of Worms

2015.11.22 - Kevin Makins - Three Important (& Annoying) Parts of Discipleship

Exclusive: Opening Cans of Worms

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(Oh boy, lots of bible in this one…) - Deuteronomy 7, Luke 6, Amos 3, 5, 9, Matthew 5, 1 Corinthians 5, Matthew 23

As we close off this sermon series we look at yet ANOTHER idea that is straight up offensive to us, and that we’ve all been hurt by: exclusion.

But the idea of exclusivity is actually a pretty robust theological theme in the bible. From beginning to end there is language that we would describe as… GASP!… exclusive?!

What do we do with this language? Is God for some, and not for others? Are all religions more or less the same? Should we ever be exclusive in our relationships or our commitments?

What does exclusivity have to do with the Christian faith?

Here is Kevin’s best attempt to kick off the conversation this week as we talk about how being a disciple is exclusive, and why that is both good and annoying!

"You Christians Are So Unlike Your Christ" (Ya, We Know!) - The Sign of Jonah


2014.11.02 - Kevin Makins - The Sign of Jonah

“You Christians Are So Unlike Your Christ” (Ya, We Know!)

Matthew 12, 2 Corinthians 4

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As we near the end of the story of Jonah we come to the question: what is the Sign of Jonah?

And what does it have to do with a famous Ghandi quote?

I've Got Good News, And I've Got Bad News... - The Sign of Jonah


2014.09.21 - Kevin Makins - The Sign of Jonah

I’ve Got Good News, and I’ve Got Bad News…

Matthew 12

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We begin our series on the story of Jonah by looking at… the Gospel According to Matthew. Obviously.

And as we do we dive headfirst into a CRAZY text about “The Lord of the Flies”, robbing strong men, awesome haircuts, trees producing fruit and the only sin God can’t forgive.

Left Foot, Right Foot (Same Page Sunday 2014)

2014.09.14 - Kevin Makins - Same Page Sunday 2014

Left Foot, Right Foot

Matthew 28, Ephesians 4

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It’s been four years… FOUR YEARS of being a congregation! How are we doing? What’s next? What is the POINT of this “being the church thing?”

And the question everyone is really asking: how can we avoid dragging a foot?

Alcohol: Party Like Jesus - So What?


2014.06.15 - Kevin Makins - So What?

Alcohol: Party Like Jesus

John 2, Psalm 104, Joel 3, Amos 9, Proverbs 23, Titus 2, Ephesians 5, Isaiah 5, 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Peter 4, Romans 14, Matthew 11

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Should Christians drink alcohol? If not, why? If so, how?

And is there a way to enjoy alcohol that doesn’t devolve into harsh judgements, or dumb decisions, or long lists of rules, or selfishness, or vomit-in-your-hair? What does the bible say about alcohol?

Well apparently a lot! (Seriously, look at all there verses up there)

This sermon is a fairly lengthy exploration of alcohol in the bible, but it’s ultimately asking one simple question: how did Jesus drink?

Sex: Lines in the Sand - So What?


2014.05.25 - Kevin Makins - So What?

Sex: Lines in the Sand

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John 7-8, Matthew 5, 1 Corinthians 6, Galatians 5, Romans 1, Hebrews 13, 1 Timothy 1, Genesis 1, Song of Songs

Here it is: the most important (and awkward) topic on the list! We are surrounded by sex in our culture, but our culture fails to understand it. Our culture is sex OBSESSED, but is still as lonely and disconnected as ever. We are in desperate need of a better word on sex, and the church has tried to bring this word.

The problem is that sometimes, in trying to bring a good word, the church has heaped shame, judgement, and pain on people .

There must be a better way to talk about, and practice, sex as Jesus followers.

Additionally, there is reference to another sermon on sex that has been preached at Eucharist, that covers some additional ground. You can find that sermon by clicking here!

Talk: Taming the Tongue - So What?


2014.05.11 - Kevin Makins - So What?

Talk: Taming the Tongue

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James 3, 5; Matthew 15, 1 Peter 4

The tongue is a rudder, a spark, a deadly poison and a creature that cannot be tamed.

James, the brother of Jesus, clearly takes from his mothers side as he writes a scathing letter to the early Christians. Some Christians use their tongue to praise God one moment, while cursing those made in God’s likeness the next.

This should not be. This cannot be. There has to be a better way to talk.

Music is led by Alex Drumm and starts 44 minutes in.

Evangelism: Why Does Good News Sound So Bad? - So What?


2014.05.04 - Kevin Makins - So What?

Evangelism: Why Does Good News Sound So Bad?

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Mark 1, Matthew 4, 28, Luke 10

Evangelism is when a Christian tells someone about Jesus with the goal of converting them. When I say “evangelism” or “convert” or “repent”, what do you think of?

Do you think of love, and grace, and hospitality, and mutuality? Or do you think of OTHER things?

Like soap-boxes, and protests, and debates, and arguments, and judgement, and fear, and hellfire?

The message of Jesus is supposed to be good news! How did good news start to sound so bad?

And here is the real question: is there a way to reclaim this good news?

Music is led by Aaron Craig and starts 55 minutes in.

What Is Wrong With The World? - Church in the Wild


2014.03.23 - Kevin Makins - Church in the Wild

What Is Wrong With The World?

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Amos 1-3, Matthew 7, 1 John 1

We continue our study of the prophets and the time of exile by looking at Amos, who is super sneaky.

Kevin also talks about making his mother cry… twice.

Epilogue story is told by Anne Cumby.



2013.11.03 - COLOSSIANS REMIXED - Kevin Makins


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Colossians 2:16-23, Matthew 5

This text is so weird. The sermon also starts out a little weird, exploring what these words might have meant to the original hearers, but much like the text, the punch comes with the subversive good news hidden in all the strangeness: the good news that we are more than our “do’s”, and are not defined by all our “do not’s” - this good news is far bigger and better than our actions.  

The text:

Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind. They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.

Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

Targum written and read by Brett Klassen

Same Page Sunday (Choose Life)


2013.09.08 - Kevin Makins

Same Page Sunday (Choose Life)

Deuteronomy 30, Gospel of Matthew

It’s Same Page Sunday, when the whole church gets together to get on… well, the same page I suppose! 

We start with some reflection on Deuteronomy 30, which includes this absolute gem of a verse: 

“Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.”

Back to the Future - Third Way


2013.06.02 - Kevin Makins - Back To The Future: Old Sermons That Shaped Us

Third Way

Matthew 5

How do we respond to violence and misuse of power? 

In our church and culture power is regularly abused, and often partners with violence in order to push it’s agenda. Jesus confronted these powers with a radical new response to their violence and abuse: third way thinking.

This week we are looking at Jesus’ teaching to turn the other cheek, give up our cloak as well, and to go the extra mile. 

At their worst, these teachings have suggested Jesus wanted those suffering to just “take the abuse.” This is not what Jesus is saying.

In context, Jesus is teaching something radical. He is showing his listeners how to disarm those who have power, and how to confront violent actions without resorting to violence.

Which of course, shows us more of what God is like.

Music by Rachel Van Oostveen and team, starts at 1:01

Back to the Future - We've Been To The Mountaintop


2013.05.05 - Kevin Makins - Back To The Future: Old Sermons That Shaped Us

We’ve Been To The Mountaintop

Matthew 17

“Bear hat! Watermelons! This is incredible!”

Music by Alex Drumm starts at 48 minutes.


This sermon is a “re-preach” of an earlier sermon at Eucharist. You can re-listen to the original sermon (from January 2011) by clicking here!

GET BEHIND ME SANTA! - Throwing Spears in the Devil's Territory

The Light of the World

2012.12.23 - Kevin Makins - GET BEHIND ME SANTA!

Throwing Spears in the Devil’s Territory

Matthew 4

Our apocalyptic Christmas ends with Jesus vs. Satan in the wilderness.

As soon as you mention “the devil” you have some clarifying to do. In our world people can often swing to extremes, either seeing satan in every doorknob or denying spirituality all together.

But the New Testament is consistently warning us that there is a spirit of the world at work, and if we are going to truly defeat evil we have to first do battle with the powers behind the scenes.

Along the way we talk about political powers, redemptive violence, Disney movies, the NRA, and throwing spears.

Music led by Aaron Craig - starts 37 minutes in.

GET BEHIND ME SANTA! - Get Behind Me, Satan

The Light of the World

2012.12.16 - Kevin Makins - GET BEHIND ME SANTA!

Get Behind Me, Satan

Daniel 7, Matthew 16

“Son of Man” was an apocalyptic phrase that lived in the imagination of the Jewish people. At the time of Jesus, people were looking for the Son of Man, the one who would overthrow their enemies and bring them victory and peace.

But things aren’t going to go exactly as they planned.

How do we respond when the story changes, when things get flipped on to their head?

Sometimes, we become the Satan.

Music led by Aaron Craig - starts 34 minutes in.

This Isn't Easy - Building on the Rock

Easy2012.11.25 - Dave Witt - This Isn’t Easy

Building on the Rock

Matthew 5, Matthew 7

Sometimes we can think that grace is like a safety net: it’s only needed when we fall. 

Sometimes we think we can follow Jesus, without needing Jesus. But that would be a huge mistake.