Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Giving


2012.10.21 - Kevin Makins- Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Luke 12, Luke 16

This was the one sermon that I desperately didn’t want to preach.

Because seriously… it’s weird to talk about money.

But Jesus was never afraid to talk about money. In fact Jesus knew that where our money is, our heart would be. And so we have to talk about money, because we need to talk about the heart.

So what is giving, and why is it an important part of our liturgy? 

Also, I lost my notes this week… and so that was interesting… I must have REALLY NOT wanted to preach on money.

Music starts 46 minutes in. 

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Prayer


2012.10.14 - Pastor Abraham - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Matthew 21, Ezekiel 22, Acts 12, Acts 16, Mark 11

Something amazing happens when you cross cultures and allow God to speak in a whole new voice.

Pastor Abraham is our brother from the Congo. He prays a lot and says “oooh brother… itisgoooood” - he also laughs and lot and brings a seriously convicting and encouraging word.

His word to us on prayer shook the whole congregation, and filled us with a desire to be people who stand in the gap.

Music starts 54 minutes in.