Lamb vs. Beasts

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Revelation is a weird and wild book, filled with larger than life imagery. Unfortunately it's also been wildly misunderstood. What is the Revelation of John actually about, and what does he want us to see?

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Back to the Future - Corporate Demons


2013.05.12 - Kevin Makins - Back To The Future: Old Sermons That Shaped Us

Corporate Demons

1 Corinthians 8 and 10, Revelation 2 and 3, Daniel 7

This sermon got the most feedback (positive AND negative) of any sermon preached at Eucharist! It’s about one of the ways that spiritual warfare presents itself in our culture.

Reading by Terri Drumm is from her blog post “Our weird relationship with clothing”

Sandy Reynolds read for Mother’s Day from the blog “The Messy Middle”


This sermon is a “re-preach” of an earlier sermon at Eucharist. You can re-listen to the original sermon (from March 2012) by clicking here!

GET BEHIND ME SANTA! - An Apocalyptic Advent

The Light of the World

2012.12.02 - Kevin Makins and Dave Witt - GET BEHIND ME SANTA!

An Apocalyptic Advent

Revelation 4, Revelation 17, Acts 19

You would not believe all the resistance we’ve faced getting ready for the Apocalyptic Advent this year. 

Part of that resistance is that for the first time in over two years, BOTH of the audio files that record the weekly sermon were corrupted. This, along with about a dozen other factors, gives us a sense that there may be some other powers at work in this whole thing. Powers that don’t like the idea of being exposed, which is what this whole sermon series is about.

But while the powers can corrupt our audio files, they can never silence our podcasting!

So Dave Witt and myself gathered in a local coffee shop to go over the basic ideas of what an Apocalyptic Advent looks like, and why we think it’s such a crucial tool for us to use this season.

Time to get apocalyptic!

Music led by Aaron Craig - starts 34 minutes in.

Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters - Song


2012.09.16 - Kevin Makins - Liturgy: Why We Gather and Why It Matters


Revelation 4 and 5, Ephesians 5

When we get together, one of the things we do most is sing.

Let’s be honest… it’s sort of weird! Why do we sing to God? Why does God want us to worship Him? Is He some sort of egotistical maniac?! 

A sermon about why and how we sing, and the many who’s we sing too.

Music starts 37 minutes in.

Soma: 1 Corinthians - Corporate Demons


2012.03.18 - Kevin Makins - Soma: 1 Corinthians

Corporate Demons

1 Corinthians 10:14-22, Ephesians 6, Revelation 2

This has quickly become one of the most debated and controversial topics we’ve ever had as a church! 

Paul makes a connection between Corinth’s idols, and demons, which leads us to ask “what are the demons today?” and “how should we engage with the powers?”

There are no simple answers, but it is a conversation we all need to have, and one that will require us to take action! 

Additionally, because of all the conversation this sermon started, we’ve added a B-Sides BonusCast to the end of the episode, with some further reflections.

This should be fun…

Music led by Tim Selles and Jeff Wynands - starts 51 minutes in.

B-Sides BonusCast starts 61 minutes in.

Bread & Wine 2011 - We Need Bigger Tables

2011.09.11 - Kevin Makins - Bread & Wine 2011: We Need Bigger Tables

Deuteronomy 16; Matthew 11; Luke 14; Galatians 3; Colossians 1; Revelation 7

We kick off year two of Eucharist Church by revisiting our first series: “Bread & Wine.”

If asked what the central image of the Christian story is, most of us would respond with “the cross.”

That would be a pretty good answer.

Certainly the cross is crucial, and absolutely key to the Christian story, but there is another image that is perhaps just as significant as the cross. That image in the table.

From beginning to end, the biblical story points to the table as the place where salvation and new life is found. And the table keeps getting bigger.

Music led by Joel Cumby and friends - starts 43 min in.

Kevin Makins - The Things That Make For Peace: Hell

Matthew 25, Revelation 21-22

Jesus teaches us that violence does not win, that true power comes through sacrifice, that there is always a third way; but in the end, does he throw billions of people into fire forever?

In the end, does Jesus return with the biggest sword of all? Does violence truly have the last word?

A sermon about peace, justice, and yes, hell.

Kevin Makins & Eucharist Church - Setting the Table: Mass for the End of the World

Revelation, 1 Corinthians 15

The final sermon of our 23 week series “Setting the Table” - exploring the narrative of Scripture.

It began in a garden; it ends in a city.

Our journey though the narrative of Scripture has taken us through every human emotion; it has challenged us, comforted us, and rooted us in a story that starts at creation and stretches on into eternity.

What better way to finish our journey than to look ahead to the day when God floods this world with His glory, setting it right again.

But how do you tell the story of Revelation? How do you take a book written in an ancient genre (Apocalyptic) and let it speak as powerfully as it was meant to?

You don’t “preach it” - you perform it.

Which is exactly what we did! Motivated by the dramatic images and story found in Revelation, a group from Eucharist took us on a fully costumed, Johnny Cash inspired, trip through the end of the world as we know it.

Listen through the service online, and anticipate with us the end of this world (as we know it) and the revealing of the world as it was meant to be; pain replaced by joy, death replaced by life, fear replaced by love!


Director - Aaron Craig / Costume Design - Catherine Hordyk / Make-up - Ceilidh Milne and Andrea Marini / Four Living Creatures - Aaron Craig, Jeff Wynands, Joel Cumby, Anne Cumby / Twenty-Four Elders - Dan Leythem, Jon Williams, Alex Drumm, Tim Selles, Allison Geleynse, Alana Dykxhoorn, Julia Soderholm / Angel - Paige Louter / Prophetic Voice - Kevin Makins

Sermon starts just after minute 28

Kevin Makins - Setting the Table: New Creation

Genesis 1-3, John, 2 Peter 3, 1 Corinthians 3, Revelation 21-22

The twenty-second sermon of our 23 week series “Setting the Table” - exploring the narrative of Scripture.

As we near the end we find ourselves back at the beginning. Something new is happening, something amazing is breaking into this world; a new kind of creation that we are invited to partner with.

Leanne Friesen - Setting the Table: The Bride

Matthew 9, John 3, 2 Corinthians 11, Ephesians 5, Revelation 19 & 21

The twenty-first sermon of our 23 week series “Setting the Table” - exploring the narrative of Scripture.

The first Christians used different metaphors to describe the church; family, body, temple.

But perhaps the most beautiful image of all is the church as the Bride of Christ.