Called to be Vulnerable: There are More Lifeguards than Sharks

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Vulnerability is a popular topic in our culture these days, and for good reason. What does it mean to be called, as Jesus followers, to a life of vulnerability?

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This Isn't Easy - The Light


2012.11.04 - Kevin Makins - This Isn’t Easy

The Light

John 3, Matthew 7, Psalm 32

When you see the words “confession,” “repentance” and “accountability,” what sorts of things come to mind? 

If I had to guess, for most of us these words are associated  with guilt, shame and judgement. 

But what if they were actually meant to be gifts? What if they were chains to bind us, but keys to freedom? What if they were light instead of darkness?

(Forgive the poor audio quality, bit of a sketchy recording!)