“Why Do You Call on the Day of the Lord?”

eucharist logo year one.jpeg

When the prophet Amos spoke of “God coming close” it was warning. The people had hidden abuse, violence, and injustice in the shadows for too long, and God, like a blazing fire, was going to burn it all up.

That’s the day of the Lord. What does it have to do with sexual assault, and the #metoo movement?

To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.

Some slides about "the day of the Lord" and "sportz" - hope they help.

This Isn't Easy - The Light


2012.11.04 - Kevin Makins - This Isn’t Easy

The Light

John 3, Matthew 7, Psalm 32

When you see the words “confession,” “repentance” and “accountability,” what sorts of things come to mind? 

If I had to guess, for most of us these words are associated  with guilt, shame and judgement. 

But what if they were actually meant to be gifts? What if they were chains to bind us, but keys to freedom? What if they were light instead of darkness?

(Forgive the poor audio quality, bit of a sketchy recording!)