Sex: Lines in the Sand - So What?


2014.05.25 - Kevin Makins - So What?

Sex: Lines in the Sand

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

John 7-8, Matthew 5, 1 Corinthians 6, Galatians 5, Romans 1, Hebrews 13, 1 Timothy 1, Genesis 1, Song of Songs

Here it is: the most important (and awkward) topic on the list! We are surrounded by sex in our culture, but our culture fails to understand it. Our culture is sex OBSESSED, but is still as lonely and disconnected as ever. We are in desperate need of a better word on sex, and the church has tried to bring this word.

The problem is that sometimes, in trying to bring a good word, the church has heaped shame, judgement, and pain on people .

There must be a better way to talk about, and practice, sex as Jesus followers.

Additionally, there is reference to another sermon on sex that has been preached at Eucharist, that covers some additional ground. You can find that sermon by clicking here!

This Isn't Easy - The Light


2012.11.04 - Kevin Makins - This Isn’t Easy

The Light

John 3, Matthew 7, Psalm 32

When you see the words “confession,” “repentance” and “accountability,” what sorts of things come to mind? 

If I had to guess, for most of us these words are associated  with guilt, shame and judgement. 

But what if they were actually meant to be gifts? What if they were chains to bind us, but keys to freedom? What if they were light instead of darkness?

(Forgive the poor audio quality, bit of a sketchy recording!)