Submissive: Freeing Ourselves


2015.11.15 - Alison Witt - Three Important (& Annoying) Parts of Discipleship

Submissive: Freeing Ourselves

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

Philippians 2

Oooh. Submission! That’s not a word that is very popular in our culture. But what is the good news in submission?

Alison Witt shares her own story of discipleship, how submission has helped her become more like Christ, and clarifies what submission is, and is not.

Good stuff!

This Isn't Easy - The Cost of Incarnational Peace-Making


2012.11.11 - Wendy Gritter - This Isn’t Easy

The Cost of Incarnational Peace-Making

John 1, Philippians 4, Matthew 5, Ephesians 2, John 17

Wendy Gritter returns to the Eucharist pulpit with a compelling and powerful teaching on being like Christ: incarnational and peace making. 

Wendy shares from her own experience working with the lgbtq community and calls for Jesus disciples to do the difficult work of trusting the Holy Spirit.

(Forgive the recording again, still working out some new problems!)

Music starts 65 minutes in.

Soma: 1 Corinthians - Winning & Boasting (as strange as that sounds)


2012.03.04 - Kevin Makins - Soma: 1 Corinthians

Winning & Boasting (as strange as that sounds)

1 Corinthians 9, Philippians 2

Sort of a weird chapter this week. Paul starts off by getting all defensive about how pastors should get paid, and goes off on a sort of tangent about vineyards and soldiers and oxen…

And then he flips everything on it’s head and it all makes sense.

A sermon about rights, privileges, freedom, and just how much it costs to really be a Jesus disciple. 

Soma: 1 Corinthians - I fed you with milk, not solid food


2011.11.06 - Kevin Makins - Soma: 1 Corinthians

I fed you with milk, not solid food

1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Philippians 3

There are real challenges that come from intentionally moving with a community in one direction, over the long haul. It is hard work, requires sacrifice, humility, and grace. 

It’s hard to stay together when things aren’t awesome or sexy anymore. 

But that is exactly why Paul is writing the Corinthians - because a church is truly a church when it commits to working and serving together; even through jealousy and quarrelling and selfishness and bickering and gossip and slander and hurt.

Because even in the midst of chaos, God is able to hold his body together.

But it will require maturity. It will require that we grow up.

Imaginarium: Imagining a Better City

Imaginarium2011.07.03 - Kevin Makins - Imaginarium: Imagining a Better City

Isaiah 65, Zechariah 8, Jeremiah 29, Philippians 3

The third and final sermon in our series on creativity and imagination. 

Christians can sometimes think that our ultimate hope is non-physical, other-worldly, and more or less disconnected from our experiences here and now. But the God of the bible is constantly reaffirming this world as good, sacred, and worth rescuing. 

God is always concerned with place - and specifically, with cities. If we are going to work for the good of our city, we are going to need to learn how to see it with fresh eyes.

And this will require imagination.

Music led by Joel Cumby and a rocking band - starts 45 min in.