The Difference Between Power & Authority

Paranoid, obsessed with what people think of him, unable to handle criticism, and without a shred of moral conviction; Herod the Tetrarch is a brilliant, ancient example, of a man with lots of power, but no authority.

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I've Got Good News, And I've Got Bad News... - The Sign of Jonah


2014.09.21 - Kevin Makins - The Sign of Jonah

I’ve Got Good News, and I’ve Got Bad News…

Matthew 12

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

We begin our series on the story of Jonah by looking at… the Gospel According to Matthew. Obviously.

And as we do we dive headfirst into a CRAZY text about “The Lord of the Flies”, robbing strong men, awesome haircuts, trees producing fruit and the only sin God can’t forgive.