Praying for God's Building Project


Dave dug into Paul's prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23 by exploring four words: hope, power, culture, and the Church.  He summarized "the building work" Paul is up to like this: We pray that God would deepen and enrich the quality of our hope so that his power can flow in and through us as we live in a culture that resists and distracts us from living into the reality of being Christ’s body.

To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.

The Difference Between Power & Authority

Paranoid, obsessed with what people think of him, unable to handle criticism, and without a shred of moral conviction; Herod the Tetrarch is a brilliant, ancient example, of a man with lots of power, but no authority.

To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.

The Thing I Am Most Afraid Of - Simon the Sorcerer


2013.04.14 - Kevin Makins - The Thing I Am Most Afraid Of: Two Sermons About Power

Simon the Sorcerer

Acts 8, John 14

If you were to ask me a few years ago what I was afraid of I would have probably said failure, but I’ve failed plenty of times, and now I’m not so scared of it.

I might have said weakness, but I’ve learned that God is with us even more in our weakness than in our strengths.

I might have said the devil or demons, and sure, that’s a frightening thing, but it’s not what I’m most afraid of. 

This is a sermon about what I am most afraid of.

Music led by Justine Lodder - starts 49 minutes in.

Advent 2011: Magi

Magi2011.12.04 - Kevin Makins - Advent 2011


Matthew 2

The way you view the birth of Jesus depends a lot on where you’re standing.

For Advent this year we are going to look at the Christmas narrative from multiple perspectives, and ask the question: “how did each group view the incarnation?”

This week we move on to the Magi, who are in the east when they see a star and come to inquire about where the King of the Jews would be born. 

The man they inquire with? Herod… the current King of the Jews.

Understandably, Herod finds this troubling. 

Monologue written and performed by Alex Drumm

Music led by Allison Geleynse and Julia Soderholm - starts 48 minutes in