Suffering, the Holy Spirit, and Waiting on Words


2013.05.19 - Kevin Makins

Suffering, the Holy Spirit, and Waiting on Words

Acts 2, Romans 8

“Today I have a hard time believing all things work out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Today I have doubt.”

What should we do when we suffering or when we grieve? How do we speak when we lack the words?

Music led by Joel Cumby and Dave Hamilton - starts 25 minutes in.

Back to the Future - Corporate Demons


2013.05.12 - Kevin Makins - Back To The Future: Old Sermons That Shaped Us

Corporate Demons

1 Corinthians 8 and 10, Revelation 2 and 3, Daniel 7

This sermon got the most feedback (positive AND negative) of any sermon preached at Eucharist! It’s about one of the ways that spiritual warfare presents itself in our culture.

Reading by Terri Drumm is from her blog post “Our weird relationship with clothing”

Sandy Reynolds read for Mother’s Day from the blog “The Messy Middle”


This sermon is a “re-preach” of an earlier sermon at Eucharist. You can re-listen to the original sermon (from March 2012) by clicking here!

Back to the Future - We've Been To The Mountaintop


2013.05.05 - Kevin Makins - Back To The Future: Old Sermons That Shaped Us

We’ve Been To The Mountaintop

Matthew 17

“Bear hat! Watermelons! This is incredible!”

Music by Alex Drumm starts at 48 minutes.


This sermon is a “re-preach” of an earlier sermon at Eucharist. You can re-listen to the original sermon (from January 2011) by clicking here!