2014.09.29 - Kevin Makins - The Sign of Jonah
The Nazis of the Ancient World
Jonah 1
Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)
The world Jesus lived in was ruled over by the Roman Empire. Nearly a millennium before Jesus, there lived a man named Jonah.
And the world of Jonah had it’s own Empire: the Assyrians.
And the capital city of Assyria? Nineveh.
As we dive into the text of Jonah, we also dive into the world he inhabited, and it is most certainly a violent, depraved, and wicked world.
Two side notes:
1) The quality of the recording this week is… subpar. It’s listenable, but not great. Listen at your own risk!
2) This sermon has a fairly large audio clip from Dan Carlin’s “Hardcore History” - the clip is about 10 minutes, but the full episode comes in at over an hour. It’s ABSOLUTELY worth listening to if you want to understand more about the Assyrians and the city of Nineveh.
To download the rest of the episode visit this link: http://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-17-judgment-at-nineveh/
For more podcasts from Dan Carlin, including his “Hardcore History” series, visit dancarlin.com
Dan, you are incredibly smart, interesting, and talented. Please don’t sue our little church. xoxo