Good News Boiled Down

Good News Boiled Down

This Little Light of Mine
Mark 12, 2 Corinthians 5
Kevin Makins

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How did such a simple message get so complicated? 

We also interview our friend Sue, who shares about her journey of learning to follow Jesus, and what it was like when people would try to "evangelize" her before she was going to church. Her reflections are so good and so fresh.

Evangelism for Normal People

Evangelism for Normal People

This Little Light of Mine
John 1
John Bowen

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Professor at Wycliffe Seminary, and co-ordinator of the Institute for Evangelism, brings a good word about good news to Eucharist! 

John shares very practical, gracious reflections on the need to use our words and our deeds to welcome people into where Jesus dwells.

You Have Nothing to be Embarrassed About


You Have Nothing to be Embarrassed About

This Little Light of Mine
Matthew 28, Romans 1
Kevin Makins & Eucharist Church

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Why is it so awkward and uncomfortable to talk about our faith? Especially with those who are not Christians! 

In this very interactive sermon we share reflections on this awkwardness, and what it might look like for us to own our faith in a genuine way.

ALSO it includes the tightest 5 minute comedy set by Eucharist Comedian-in-Residence (ok, he just is a part of the church and hilarious) Zak McDonald. It's seriously very funny and very good.

Everyone is getting into it!

Everyone is getting into it!

Evangelism: Why Does Good News Sound So Bad? - So What?


2014.05.04 - Kevin Makins - So What?

Evangelism: Why Does Good News Sound So Bad?

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Mark 1, Matthew 4, 28, Luke 10

Evangelism is when a Christian tells someone about Jesus with the goal of converting them. When I say “evangelism” or “convert” or “repent”, what do you think of?

Do you think of love, and grace, and hospitality, and mutuality? Or do you think of OTHER things?

Like soap-boxes, and protests, and debates, and arguments, and judgement, and fear, and hellfire?

The message of Jesus is supposed to be good news! How did good news start to sound so bad?

And here is the real question: is there a way to reclaim this good news?

Music is led by Aaron Craig and starts 55 minutes in.



2013.12.15 - COLOSSIANS REMIXED - Cindy Stover


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Colossians 4:2-4:6

Cindy talks about one of the most important, and potentially uncomfortable, aspects of the Christian faith: talking about it.

The text:

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Targum written and read by Katherine McLean