Sue Carr Shares Some Wisdom

Beautiful photo by Henry Liu -

Beautiful photo by Henry Liu -


For the next few weeks at Eucharist Church we're going to be interviewing people who inspire us, and who we think are full of wisdom. 

This week we got to kick off our conversations with a bang!
Sue Carr is the Executive Director of "541 - Eatery & Exchange" - one the most innovative and entrepreneurial ministries in Canada.

Sue touched on her life story and themes of vocation, family, risk, and following God through all sorts of strange and wild turns.

Read more about 541 Eatery and Exchange by clicking here!

A Train, A Satellite, A Table, A Wave

1 Corinthians 12
Kevin Makins

This sermon kicks off thirteen weeks learning about the core convictions of our Christian Way; perhaps best captured in the Apostles' Creed.

How can a Creed that is nearly 2000 years old still serve and build up the church today? 

Let's start by understanding the Creed with four metaphors: the Creed is a train, a satellite, a table, and a wave.

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