The Strange Religious Ritual of New Years Resolutions

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If you were an alien, scrolling on Instagram; what would you think about this strange concept of “New Years Resolutions?” You’d probably see them as a deeply ritualistic act. Let’s compare and contrast these resolutions with the good news of Jesus.

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Whitewashed Religion

Whitewashed Religion

Give 'Em Hell
Matthew 23
Kevin Makins

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This Sunday we're talking about the strange Christian phenomenon of using religious language to whitewash our cultural fears, anxieties, and aggression.

If you've ever been on the receiving end of such hostility a) I'm so sorry, that isn't right, and b) this is an open invite for you to join us as we dig deeper into why bad religion happens and how we can find a humble, prayerful, way forward.

How to be Angry at Religious Insitutions, or, "Don't Woe Me If You Don't Know Me"

How to be Angry at Religious Insitutions, or, "Don't Woe Me If You Don't Know Me"

Give 'Em Hell
Matthew 23:1-14
Kevin Makins

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Ever been angry at bad religion? Ever felt like priorities in the church were misaligned or hypocritical? Ever wanted to protest and raise your voice about it?

Jesus shows us that our anger matters, and he shows us what to do with it.

Give 'em hell, Jesus!