A Funeral Sermon


This Sunday was “TrueCity Sunday” - where we engaged in a pulpit swap with another congregation. Our guest was Lane Fusilier, pastor at Philpott Memorial Church. He shared a few thoughts on grief, having gone through a very hard few years.

To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.

When the Glory Fades


After a long season of everything turning to gold, things start to get a little tougher for our church plant.

To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.

The very sad video we made about the events in this sermon:

Suffering, the Holy Spirit, and Waiting on Words


2013.05.19 - Kevin Makins

Suffering, the Holy Spirit, and Waiting on Words

Acts 2, Romans 8

“Today I have a hard time believing all things work out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Today I have doubt.”

What should we do when we suffering or when we grieve? How do we speak when we lack the words?

Music led by Joel Cumby and Dave Hamilton - starts 25 minutes in.