You Can't Always Get What You Want - Church in the Wild


2014.03.30 - Cindy Stover - Church in the Wild

You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

Jeremiah 29

Cindy Stover preaches on God’s eternally messy plan, making home in exile, and wait-how-did-I-end-up-living-in-downtown-Hamilton?!

To Tear Down and To Build Up - Church in the Wild

2014.03.16 - Brian Craig - Church in the Wild

To Tear Down and To Build Up

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

Jeremiah 1, 29

Brian Craig wrote his doctoral thesis on the prophets and the time of exile, so we HAD to get him to share with us on who the prophets were, what their mission was, and how we can see prophets all around us.

Music led by Aaron Craig (make the connection?), and starts at minute 38.

Imaginarium: Imagining a Better City

Imaginarium2011.07.03 - Kevin Makins - Imaginarium: Imagining a Better City

Isaiah 65, Zechariah 8, Jeremiah 29, Philippians 3

The third and final sermon in our series on creativity and imagination. 

Christians can sometimes think that our ultimate hope is non-physical, other-worldly, and more or less disconnected from our experiences here and now. But the God of the bible is constantly reaffirming this world as good, sacred, and worth rescuing. 

God is always concerned with place - and specifically, with cities. If we are going to work for the good of our city, we are going to need to learn how to see it with fresh eyes.

And this will require imagination.

Music led by Joel Cumby and a rocking band - starts 45 min in.