A Funeral Sermon


This Sunday was “TrueCity Sunday” - where we engaged in a pulpit swap with another congregation. Our guest was Lane Fusilier, pastor at Philpott Memorial Church. He shared a few thoughts on grief, having gone through a very hard few years.

To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.

Witness is for Everyone

2015.05.03 - Connan Kublik - TrueCity Pulpit Swap 2015

Witness is for Everyone

Acts 8

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

TrueCity is a local network of over a dozen congregations, committed to serving the city for the common good. One of the ways we celebrate this movement is to rotate our preachers once a year, and welcome other pastors to preach in our pulpit!

Connan from NewCity Church joins us as we take part in the “TrueCity Pulpit Swap 2015” on the theme of “witness!”

Soma: 1 Corinthians - Remain As You Were


2012.02.05 - Peter Giokas - Soma: 1 Corinthians

Remain As You Were

1 Corinthians 7:17-24

Peter Giokas from Little Bethel Community Church is our guest this week as we take part in the TrueCity Pulpit Swap! 

He continues our study on 1 Corinthians by looking at Paul’s command that each person should remain as they were when they were called by God.

Music led by Joel Cumby - starts 45 minutes in.