A Train, A Satellite, A Table, A Wave

1 Corinthians 12
Kevin Makins

This sermon kicks off thirteen weeks learning about the core convictions of our Christian Way; perhaps best captured in the Apostles' Creed.

How can a Creed that is nearly 2000 years old still serve and build up the church today? 

Let's start by understanding the Creed with four metaphors: the Creed is a train, a satellite, a table, and a wave.

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Broken Bones in the Body

Broken Bones in the Body

Family Reunion
1 Corinthians 12, John 17, Ephesians 2
Bernadette Arthur

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How can we be the reconciled body of Christ if parts of our body have been broken or cut off? Bernadette Arthur, who works for the Christian Reformed Church as a race and relations coordinator, preaches holy fire, and reminds us that reconciliation ALWAYS will cost something.

Snow on the Driveway

Snow on the Driveway

Family Reunion
Romans 14 + 15
Kevin Makins

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How can the church be united when there are people who have significant disagreement on important moral and ethical questions? 

Well it all starts with a time traveller named Cornelius...

Article Link: How One Stupid Tweet Ruined Justine Saccos Life

A Family of Unity vs. Empires of Uniformity

A Family of Unity vs. Empuires of Uniformity

Family Reunion
Acts 2, Genesis 11, John 17
Kevin Makins

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Pentecost Sunday is all about the Holy Spirit coming to bring Unity, NOT Uniformity! 

And if unity is the sign that Christ is King, perhaps our churches should worry more about how to practice peace and reconciliation instead of how good the band is or how "correct" our theology is!

Show & Tell: Letting Our Light Shine with Kids

Show & Tell: Letting Our Light Shine with Kids

This Little Light of Mine
Deuteronomy 6
Kathryn Smith

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Kathryn Smith shares some very practical, hands on wisdom, about how to live, share and own our faith with kids. Whether you have children or not, it's our job to let our light shine with the kids in our life, and so this may be a relevant word for you! 

The Kingdom of God is Like a Man, Dancing in His Underwear on the Side of a Hill (Fight or Flight)

The Kingdom of God is Like a Man, Dancing in His Underwear on the Side of a Hill (Fight or Flight)

This Little Light of Mine
John 9
Kevin Makins

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How can we be witnesses to God's grace without hiding it away or being annoying and pushy? 

What does it look like to be people who are Still Waters?

SPOILER ALERT! Don't watch this video until you hear Kevin mention a video near the end of the sermon.

Also, don't click on this until the end of the sermon... but this happened at the end of the gathering: 

Good News Boiled Down

Good News Boiled Down

This Little Light of Mine
Mark 12, 2 Corinthians 5
Kevin Makins

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How did such a simple message get so complicated? 

We also interview our friend Sue, who shares about her journey of learning to follow Jesus, and what it was like when people would try to "evangelize" her before she was going to church. Her reflections are so good and so fresh.

Evangelism for Normal People

Evangelism for Normal People

This Little Light of Mine
John 1
John Bowen

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Professor at Wycliffe Seminary, and co-ordinator of the Institute for Evangelism, brings a good word about good news to Eucharist! 

John shares very practical, gracious reflections on the need to use our words and our deeds to welcome people into where Jesus dwells.