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Now we're getting into the big stuff. Let's talk about sex... baby.
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Phones are designed to be addicting
Technology and the Biblical Story
Connected but Alone
Confronting Our Technology Addiction
Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?
Open letter to anyone who uses a phone
Article about “The Tech Wise Family"
The Tech Wise Family
Is technology good or bad? Should Jesus followers have smartphones and social media? Should we create A.I. or upload our brains to the cloud?
Let’s jump into this nuance series with the drug everyones already on: Technology.
Following the podcast is the “Speakers Corner” where people from the Sunday gathering “added their nuance” to this weeks topic. Give it a listen and then carry on the conversation!
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An Introduction to Nuance
In an increasingly polarized culture we need to learn to think like Jesus so we can live like Jesus.
Let’s begin with an introduction.
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Thoughtfully Ablaze
“Why is it that the choice among churches always seems to be the choice between intelligence on ice and ignorance on fire?”
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Learning to Stand
Spiritual warfare: Big hoax or get ready for some demon hunting?
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Let’s Talk About Submission...
Among all the unpopular sections of the New Testament, this verse sits near the top. How can a pastor, who is following Jesus, tell women, children, and slaves to be submissive? And how can this possibly be good, liberating news today, not just for some people, but for everyone?
So let’s do it: Let’s talk about submission!
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Rules for Living in the Light
Carrying on with the “rules” section of Ephesians we get to… fornication? This will be interesting.
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The Joy of the Burden
What does Paul’s letter to the Ephesians have in common with 38 planes carrying 7,000 people forced to land in Newfoundland on September 11, 2001?
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You Don’t Have to Live Like That Anymore
This is the part of Ephesians most young people don’t like. Paul shifts from grand, sweeping statements about inclusion and justice into what sounds like (gasp!) RULES!
What is God saying to us through this section? And what does it look like to read these as more than moral management.
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Full Time Ministry
Reflections on full time ministry and at least one really gross story.
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Immeasurably More
Pastor Jill preaches on Ephesians 3:14-21.
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How to Preach from Prison
Why do you put someone in prison? To shut them up.
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Reclaiming Both Sides
What does the good news of Jesus say to an age of marching, protest, and disagreement?
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Death to Life
By grace you have been saved through faith.
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Praying for God's Building Project
Dave dug into Paul's prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23 by exploring four words: hope, power, culture, and the Church. He summarized "the building work" Paul is up to like this: We pray that God would deepen and enrich the quality of our hope so that his power can flow in and through us as we live in a culture that resists and distracts us from living into the reality of being Christ’s body.
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Remember Who You Are
Pastor Kevin starts off our summer sermon series with too many Lion King references.
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