Spiritual warfare: Big hoax or get ready for some demon hunting?
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Spiritual warfare: Big hoax or get ready for some demon hunting?
To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.
Among all the unpopular sections of the New Testament, this verse sits near the top. How can a pastor, who is following Jesus, tell women, children, and slaves to be submissive? And how can this possibly be good, liberating news today, not just for some people, but for everyone?
So let’s do it: Let’s talk about submission!
To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.
Carrying on with the “rules” section of Ephesians we get to… fornication? This will be interesting.
To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.
What does Paul’s letter to the Ephesians have in common with 38 planes carrying 7,000 people forced to land in Newfoundland on September 11, 2001?
To download the sermon, right click on the word download above, and click on "save link as..." - you can also download using a podcast app.