Telling Your Friends the Truth

God is always trying to get our attention, through "good cops" and "bad cops," through prophets and friends. Let's try to speak the truth to one another, and be open to hearing it. Also, a short story about a swan.

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Technology: The Stencilling on the Casing of an Atomic Bomb


2014.06.08 - Kevin Makins - So What?

Technology: The Stencilling on the Casing of an Atomic Bomb

Genesis 11, Acts 2

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

Some of the topics in this series are often talked about in church… but Christians rarely talk about technology.

Technology surrounds us: it’s cars and bikes and running shoes and smart phones and printed books and slides on a screen!

And it shapes us. Whether we want it to or not, technology changes us.