Soma: 1 Corinthians - The Body


2012.05.13 - Kevin Makins - Soma: 1 Corinthians

The Body

1 Corinthians 12:12-26, 1 Samuel 17

The body (soma) has been a constant theme through Paul’s letter, but in chapter 12 he brings it into the forefront, working the metaphor to show how all the parts of the body are dependant on one another, and how the smallest things affect the biggest.

Music led by Jeff Wynands and Joel Cumby - starts 46 minutes in.

Advent 2011: Ox

Ox2011.12.11 - Kevin Makins - Advent 2011


Numbers 28, Leviticus 16, 1 Samuel 15, Amos 5, Hosea 6, Psalm 50, Genesis 22, Hebrews 10, Romans 12

The way you view the birth of Jesus depends a lot on where you’re standing.

For Advent this year we are going to look at the Christmas narrative from multiple perspectives, and ask the question: “how did each group view the incarnation?”

This week we look at the ox. What did the ox… think(?!)… about the incarnation?

The ox probably thought about the sacrificial system; all the stories he had heard about the altar growing up. He probably reflected on how so many of his friends ended up there, and wondered if this little child might change everything.

Apparently, the ox thought about all sorts of things.

Monologue written and performed by Alex Drumm

Music led by Andrew Huang - starts 1:03 in