Costly: The Kingdom of God is For Babies

2015.11.08 - Kevin Makins - Three Important (& Annoying) Parts of Discipleship

Costly: The Kingdom of God is for Babies

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

Luke 18:15-30

Jesus was asked by rich ruler “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

His response? “Sell everything you have, give it to the poor, then come and follow me.”

Which is… a little uncomfortable for all of us wealthy Westerners.

If we’re going to follow Jesus it will cost us everything, but we will receive something more. We will receive something that has been with us from our very first breathe.

Soma: 1 Corinthians - The Body


2012.05.13 - Kevin Makins - Soma: 1 Corinthians

The Body

1 Corinthians 12:12-26, 1 Samuel 17

The body (soma) has been a constant theme through Paul’s letter, but in chapter 12 he brings it into the forefront, working the metaphor to show how all the parts of the body are dependant on one another, and how the smallest things affect the biggest.

Music led by Jeff Wynands and Joel Cumby - starts 46 minutes in.