2011.05.29 - Kevin Makins - both God and money: Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems
Matthew 6, 1 Timothy 6, Hebrews 13
We work for it, think about it, dream of what we would do with it; our world is obsessed with money.
But when it comes to money, the church is often silent.
The job of the Christian is to confront the false gods of the day. Today, the god of money reigns.
We need to confront this false god. We need to believe that there is a better way, and a better God. We need to know how to use our money as a tool, how to rebel against the myths of our culture, and how to create a world that is generous.
Perhaps most of all, we need to understand Jesus’ words: “you cannot serve both God and money.”
Music led by Joel Cumby.