Kevin Makins - Setting the Table: Garden/Field/Tower

Genesis 3-11

The third sermon of our 23 week series “Setting the Table” - exploring the narrative of Scripture.

The garden was a place where all was good and in it’s right place; but it is quickly corrupted.

Sin is on the move: twisting God’s good world into something less than good.

This force moves from a garden, to a field, to a tower. It cheapens, perverts, and destroys everything along the way. 

What does this mean for us? Can we fight back? Can things be set right again?

Kevin Makins - Setting the Table: Creation

Genesis 1 and 2

The second sermon of our 23 week series Setting the Table - exploring the narrative of Scripture.

This week we move backwards, from Exodus to the creation account.

Which begs the question; “What IS Genesis 1 and 2 all about?”

At the heart of the creation account we find an invitation to a world that is strange and beautiful and filled with life! We are introduced to a God whose goodness brings order to the chaos, and who invites us into the ongoing cultivation and organization of all he has made.

And we find that no matter how marred and damaged it may seem at times, all that God has made is, indeed, very good.

Richard Saunders - Setting the Table: Exodus

Exodus; Matthew 13

The first sermon in our 23 week series Setting the Table - exploring the narrative of Scripture.

Our first week: Exodus.

Exodus? The first book?

Well, yes, and no. No; because there are stories to tell that pre-date the exodus, but yes; because in many ways this is where the story really starts.

The story begins with a people in slavery, a whole nation of people being treated as machines. The story begins with a people who have lost all hope, who are desperately crying out for rescue; the story begins in Egypt.

But Egypt isn’t the whole story, because when all seems lost, when it seems most hopeless; God enters the story. And everything changes.

God declares: “I have heard the cry” - a God who hears the cry of the oppressed. 

Kevin Makins - Fear

Exodus 20: 18-20

A sermon from the week Kevin announced the planting of Eucharist Church to FreeChurch. It’s a sermon about the fear that comes with anything that will stretch and grow us, and asks the question: how do we, as God’s people, respond to that fear?