Sleeper Agents

The Kingdom of God is a counter-cultural movement, designed to bring an end to the way of the world as is, and usher in a whole new way to be human. Those who align with it should expect resistance.

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Every Revolution Needs a Clipboard

2015.06.14 - Kevin Makins - The Church Calendar

Every Revolution Needs a Clipboard

Acts 6

Click here to listen (right click and “save link as…” to download)

So many of us love when things are “non-institutional” and “organic… man…” So naturally we LOVE the stories about the early church: everyone sharing their resources, the poor being provided for, a genuine Spirit-led movement.

However if we read just a few more pages we stumble along the Spirit of God doing something different… essentially handing out clipboards, putting on a tie, and saying “but for real now, we’ve got to start getting organized!”

How does the Spirit work in chaos, and in order?