Imaginarium: The Most Resilient Parasite

2011.06.26 - Kevin Makins - Imaginarium: The Most Resilient Parasite

Exodus 2 & 4, Isaiah 52, Luke 10

The second sermon in our three week series on the theological imagination examines the power of ideas to shape, form, and change us. 

How has God used ideas to create new worlds? Why did Jesus, throughout his life, choose to teach through stories and parables? 

And what is so “theological” about the theological imagination?

Music led by Joel Cumby and Alex Drumm - starts 52 min in.

Imaginarium: The Theological Imagination

2011.06.19 - Chris Cuthill - Imaginarium: The Theological Imagination

Mark 14

The first sermon in our three week series on the theological imagination. Chris Cuthill, who holds the Art Chair at Redeemer University, explores the idea of imagination as it intersects with faith, hope, and life in the Kingdom.

Music led by Joel Cumby - starts 41 min in.

both God and money: Dollar Dollar Bill Y'all

2011.06.05 - David Barker - both God and money: Dollar Dollar Bill Y'all

Leviticus 27, Numbers 18, Deuteronomy 14 & 26, 1 Corinthians 16, 2 Corinthians 8-9, 1 Timothy 5

Finally; the money sermon! 

How should the Christian give? What should we give? When should we give? What does the Bible say about giving to your local church?

What if I’m poor? What if I’m rich?

A sermon all about cash-money, and what it means to give to your community. 

Music led by Alex Drumm.