
Extending the Table: Missional Engagement and Eucharist

Break Bread Together - Justin Aitcheson

One of the most common images Jesus uses when describing his Kingdom is of a feast - a banquet - where the guest list is a little different than it would be at a high-profile gala dinner, then or now.

Jesus is the Host of this banquet, and welcomes us all to participate in a communal meal where socioeconomic status and power imbalances are flipped upside down.

At Eucharist we often use this banquet language to describe our shared participation in the Kingdom of God. When we refer to the important missional work of seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly in witness to our faith outside the walls of our church building as “Extending the Table”, Christ’s table.

An Extending the Table team at Eucharist has identified six parameters to guide our involvement in this work: collaboration, whole-church engagement, Kingdom focus, hospitality, sustainability, and risk-taking/fearlessness. If you’re interested you can read more about these parameters here.

In approaching this work, we seek to come alongside organizations and groups already engaged in “extending the table” in a spirit of partnership. This document outlines some of our hopes related to partnership.

Our current partners include:

Open Homes Hamilton

541 Eatery and Exchange & Youth Group


Greater Ontario House of Prayer (GOHOP)

If you have any questions about mission and Extending the Table at Eucharist, or if you would like to highlight any groups we could potentially partner with, you can contact us by emailing extendingthetable@eucharistchurch.ca